I just woke up from nap time...
Today was my first day of first grade! I met the class I will be with this spring for student teaching and spent the day helping in the classroom. Sue Grim is a twelve year veteran who is an amazing teacher! She oozes patience and on several occasions actively reflected on occurrences and how she could could effect a different outcome (education theory in action!). She's calm, she's happy, and she's focused, all qualities I will do well to emulate.
The students? WOW! What a good week to see them in action. Holiday break is only three days away, it was raining so the students were on rainy day schedule, and the place was a zoo! The little kiddies couldn't focus, besides there was a new adult in the classroom trying to learn their names and their classroom procedure. Tomorrow will probably be a better day.
By the end of the day I was tired and hungry. I came home, folded some laundry and took a nap. It's 11:50 p.m. and I just woke up an hour ago. I think I'm going to have to get more sleep!
I love first grade!