Friday, January 9, 2009

What a GREAT week!

What a great week! I don't think I have ever been so tired (except for camp) or learned so much! During the first two weeks, I am supposed to keep a journal. I came home every day with good intentions to write, but was so tired, all I could do was make dinner and go to bed. Finally by Thursday I had a little extra energy and Friday was a bit better than that. I've been assured by the first grade teachers that they feel the same way the first week of school until they get back into the swing.

Mrs. Grim is amazing! She has taught first kindergarten and first grade for twelve years. She is full of interesting facts that she's picked up along the way. She works with the Occupational, physical, and speech therapist to implement new findings in the classroom. Ok, I just typed this really long example and then erased it. Suffice it to say that the information is fascinating! I can't believe how similar our lives are, down to living in the same area and our kids attending the same elementary school!

The team of first grade teachers are great, too! They eat lunch together every day. One in particular is really great. Mrs. Ortega is a first year teacher that ALWAYS has a smile on her face and something kind to say. She's not only learning the ropes as a teacher, but she's working on her Master's Degree, too!

I really love having Suzi close by. We don't talk often or alot, but it is comforting knowing she's right there. Our friend Tasha is also at the same school and I enjoy seeing her with the second grade students she's with.

Most of all, I have fallen for the kids! Twenty shiny-faced, loving first graders. They're just sweet. Ok, they're not sweet all the time, but they're easy to entreat and encourage and they want to do their best. I keep hoping that desire won't wain in them...or me.


Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Yay! I'm so glad it went well all week!! I figured it would, (with all of the prayers), but it's great to hear!

desertmama said...

So the first week is done! This will all go by so fast and then you will be ready to go out and have your own classroom. I'm glad you're learning so much from this teacher and enjoying the time there. Who may open up doors for a permanant position.

Anonymous said...

Goodluck to you !!!!!
Nice to meet you...
Visit to my blog

Melanie said...

It's always nice when you have the freshness of a new job and the zeal to go with it! The excitement makes it worthwhile.

Merry Christmas 2008

Hoe Down! October 31, 2008