Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dr. Yates report to OR...STAT!

Teaching is so much fun! Today we introduced making contractions by performing surgery on two words...It worked great! I got the kids' attention by wearing the scrub and stethescope for 30 minutes before we started. A student assisted as a nurse and the vowel-ectomies began. Thanks to Mr. Yates for the medical gear and to Mrs. Grim for the EXCELLENT idea!

Checking on the patient.

Performing an O-ectomy.

The patient will never be the same...there will always be a scar!


Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...


Melanie said...

learning IS fun!

desertmama said...

I love it! You're preparing yourself to be an awesome teacher!

Jenn in AZ said...

How stinkin' cute! This will be something the kids remember for a looong time.

Hey, I started a coupon/$$ saving blog...come see it and let me know what you think! There's a deal that expires tomorrow on there, so hurry, hurry over!! (I am such a nerd!)

HollyB said...

awesome... will you be my teacher? :)

Merry Christmas 2008

Hoe Down! October 31, 2008