Saturday, August 29, 2009


I already have my first head cold. Didn't take very long. I really thought I'd make it to November at least. The second week of school, two students came to school with drippy noses and tired eyes...of course they never get to bed at a reasonable time, either. Did I ramp up the hand sanitizer (or "hanitzer" as my babies call it) like I should have? NOPE! It's my own fault!

When I was student teaching I got 5 massive sinus infections. The first Dr. visit, he said, "You're a teacher? You'll be sick for the first three years." One month down, 35 months to do...


Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Oh no!!! Well you've learned from this one I'm sure... =)
Feel better soon!!

desertmama said...

Those little angels will do it to you everytime!! I'm sorry you're sick though because that makes a tough job even tougher.

HollyB said...

I got sick the beginning of ever school year and after Christmas break, while I worked at the school. It's such a lovely gift the children bring! Hope you feel better soon!

Melanie said...

when I worked in childcare I was sick consistently! That stinks that it didn't hold out a little longer.

Merry Christmas 2008

Hoe Down! October 31, 2008